Thursday, April 15, 2010

your beliefs vs other ppl's problems

First off, TL's taking longer to take the first step
In other words, it gives me a very heavy feeling when I think about publishing it
I’m embarrassed (but not ashamed)
Because it was written with low self-esteem
Because it’s not that easy to open up to the world
And because of this fear that I have
That people’s reaction to it will be sick,


“Omg! This is horrible!”
“This girl’s got issues...”
“Is every single thing she writes going to be as hopeless as this?”
“Then I’m not interested in reading.”
“Why would I want to spoil my good day/mood with a very troubled piece of writing?”

Yeah, I know it’s pointless but I do fear that.
Though, I won’t deny that I went through that very dark and depressing phase/place.

Duh! That’s why it’s called tragic love.
If you can’t get on the ride,
Then don’t read that blog :)


Sometimes we might think one thing is right,
Others will think that it’s wrong
Everybody has an opinion

So you shouldn’t get pissed off
When they don’t listen to your advice
Even if that advice has proven successful in your life

We have to accept that sometimes
Our beliefs can’t help others fully
And the more we try to shove it down their throats
The more they will resent us.

For example,
Take these two situations

A married couple
They live by one concept
That in Islam, the husband has the ultimate right
To the point that he can have another wife if he wishes to
And the wife
Has absolute complete trust in him
That she doesn’t bother to question him where he goes, how late he stays out etc
Because she has strong faith
And that’s why their marriage stayed stable all these years.

The second situation
Another married couple
Are having problems
And trust issues
Husband’s behaviour’s very suspicious
Wife doesn’t trust him as much about where he constantly goes
They probably have the same strength and level in faith or beliefs

Let’s call them couple A and couple B :)
So why is it that when wife A advices wife B
To trust her husband because it is after all his right,
Wife B can’t seem to understand wife A’s point of view completely?

It’s because they live by different concepts
Couple A has no trust issues
Couple B might’ve been smooth sailing in their early years of relationship
It’s just that couple B might not have gained 100% trust without reassurance first

Then wife A wonders why wife B can’t just follow her beliefs

So in the end,
It’s all about being considerate

What works for you might not work as well with others

What wife A should do is consider wife B’s rights as well
Even if wife A has never had to ask herself this question
It will make wife B feel better if
She gets more feedback than just
“A husband has all the rights; he doesn’t owe you any explanation”
“If you’re so curious, then just ask him to be honest with you.”

Be considerate
This can be applied to any other situations as well.

I mean it,
Everything that you know, the way you were brought up, your beliefs etc
Helps to build your identity
But don’t get disappointed
When suddenly
Everything you know suddenly gets turned down
Because the person you are trying to help
Just can’t see it your way.

Put yourself in their shoes
Then go further
“If I had his/her characteristics and his/her way of thinking, what would I do to solve this?”
And don’t just
“If I were him/her, I’d do...”

Sometimes you just need to understand this person,
And their way of thinking and dealing with things
Instead of just forcing down what you think is right.

Hope this helps!